Friday, June 12, 2015


STOP!  Every time I open my mail to find more credit card offers I want to spit! I know this means I have an excellent credit history (I make sure of it!) but I resent having to purchase a new paper shredder just to get rid of them.  Week in and week out I get 3 to 4 offers.  Shredding them is important, I know, because a few years back someone got ahold of a couple of our offers and tried unsuccessfully to get a new credit card in my husband’s name.  The person attempting to do this couldn’t guess his birthday correct and that is the reason they were unsuccessful.  

As I was clearing out the weeks worth of offers, I began to daydream about a sweet revenge toward these companies that consistently make me feel like I am the meat source in a piranha fish tank.  First I would apply to get every offer that came through the door, then I would spend all my own money and purchase one of those around-the-world trips.  I would go to every exotic place on this earth, live like a Queen, and when my cash was gone begin to use up all the credit cards.  I would charge them all to the max.

I would time this trip at the end of my life.  As the credit would run out, I would return home, throw a big party to say good-bye to all my family and friends and then die, leaving no assets to pay off my debts!  

Ah….but I know this in the end would only hurt those who carry credit cards.  These companies have found ways to make us all pay for their stupidity.  

Do you remember the days when loyalty was important?  A “loyal customer” got treated special.  Loyalty to a company often meant special rewards.  They use the word today, but I find no loyalty.  When Pat died, a credit card that we had for over 30 years, without notice, got cancelled.  When I called to complain, I was told that they were notified of his death and because Pat was the primary and I was only “a user” they had to cancel the card.

I refused to apply for a new card with them.  In fact, I don’t feel any loyalty to any company these days.  You make it worth my while, I’ll consider it.

Do you remember life before credit cards?  The local mom and pop store at the corner kept a “tab” for you.  I remember my grandmother Brown sending me to the corner store to pick up a couple of items for her and saying to them,  “please put this on my Grandma’s tab.”  When Grandpa got paid, he would walk down to the store and pay the bill.

Even back in 1966 when I first moved to Pennsylvania, the local gas station kept a tab for my mother-in-law when she got gas or service.  Any of the kids could drive in, get gas and at some point she would stop in and pay the bill.  

Credit cards may have made life easier to move along, but I do not enjoy the impersonal relationship.  I miss that place where “everybody knew your name.”

I must say though, that around-the-world trip sure sounds tempting!

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