Thursday, June 18, 2015


As I  listen to the news that an accused 20-year-old was arrested for the hateful crime in the AME Church in Charleston, I am continually struck how the language of hate that we hear every day can motivate a young man, with a full life ahead of him, to decide to take on such a heinous act.  

Every time something like the shooting in Charleston happens, we all pause and ask why?  We will come together to mourn those whose life is so senselessly taken by another man’s hate.  Conversations will go on until we get tired of talking and the next ugly event takes place. And nothing changes.

Humanity has always struggled with its hate factor.  As the world opens up and accepts those who are different in religion or color, those on the fringe get more frustrated that no one is listening.  And the language and unwillingness of our politicians and news media to keep their angry ugly rhetoric in check only offers fuel to those on the fringe.  

This is why I try and not pass on hateful messages, or share what some perceive as jokes when it is a hate-filled depiction of one side or the other.  I can disagree politically with anyone and not lose my love of who they are.  If we all thought alike, approached things alike, then would we not all be alike? Buy the very same things? Do the same things?  We don’t.  We enjoy different colors.  We enjoy different places.  We eat different foods.  We celebrate different holidays.  And it’s amazing how we can all accept those kinds of differences without question.  But our disrespect for each other flows so freely on both radio and tv shows,  and sometimes to those in our life who believe different than us, and we forget how our words can affect those on the fringe of our thinking.

As the politicians continue to not work together and practice the politics of division, we create a divide in our peoples that is fueled by their inability to compromise and work together to create the best for the “whole of us”, not just part of us.  The money-fueled-lobbyist controls our politicians after we vote to put them in office.  

Unless we collectively shout loud and long that enough is enough, these kinds of hate-filled acts will continue.  If we collectively, do not search for and work for the common good of the common man, then these kinds of hate-filled acts will continue.  If we collectively, cannot reach across the divide of beliefs to find those things we can make better, then these kinds of hate-filled acts will continue.  It lies within all of us to make these kinds of changes.  We must treat each other as we want to be treated.  It starts with me…and you…and you…and you…and you.

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