Monday, May 1, 2017


So I live in an “adult” community where many of us can’t see the paper in front of our face let alone across the yard and into someone’s window.  So closing my bedroom curtains is not a high priority.  I would kid, after all, if they need to peek in to see my nakedness they need help!  But being lax about closing those doors and windows took a turn and left a mark on me…literally!

The other day as I came around the corner out of the shower I see the figure of a man out in the back.  Naked from the shower I overreacted, lost my footing, fell backward on the floor due to my wet feet and hit my head….then began to laugh so hard I choked on my own spit and threw up, which made me laugh that much harder.  My sides started to hurt as I got up, cleaned up, and crawled across the floor to throw shut the back door.  Embarrassing stories just never stops for me.

The last time I was almost caught naked in front of a door I was 50 years younger than I am now (and my body a whole lot better to look at).  Running naked through the apartment was done on a regular basis as we were pre-kids and lived in a wooded area with not many people around.  One day while doing a few dishes, I suddenly became aware of a service truck outside and a man getting out and heading to the door.  I was trapped in the kitchen which was right where our door was so I dived under the table to hide.  The door open and music blaring, told the driver someone was home, so he reached for the door and popped his head inside and went to call out when I screamed “get out…I have no clothes on!”  Laughing he stepped back to his truck, waited a few minutes before returning back to the door. By this time I had crawled into the bedroom and slipped my clothes on.  He could barely keep from laughing while asking me some questions and I acted like nothing unusual had happened.  My red face gave me away.

Embarrassing moments are not a stranger to my life experiences. I love sharing the stories with my grandkids when they come to me upset over a moment that gives them grief.  It lets them know we can survive these things.

Remember wrap-around skirts that buttoned in the front?  I wore them to school a lot.  One day while leaving my gym class late, walking toward my next class an upperclassman called out my name.  I began to float…an upperclassman knew who I was!  He called out again.  I was so thrilled.  As I got closer, my arms full of my school books, he approached me and pointed to the gym door,  saying, “I think you left something back at the gym.”  I turned to see my wrap-around skirt on the floor.  I looked down below my school books to see the lace of my half slip showing…and immediately broke out into a nervous sweat and ran back to grab my skirt and rush back into the gym’s locker room.  I never spoke to the boy again, and in fact, every time I saw him I would dart the opposite direction to avoid him so sure he remembered that moment as I had.

I think we all have those life embarrassing moments.  I have shared a few in past posts, mostly to show my grandkids that Grammy was always crazy.  As long as I live and take chances I know moments will come and create new memories that will make me blush…in fact, I had one the other night.  While out with a new friend, I was sharing a story about a hot air balloon and a fishing boat at Peace Valley Park.  I was describing how the hot air balloon was trying to skim the water and then lift up again. When he dipped into the water it took on more water than he wanted, so he started pumping and pumping trying to get it up. But no matter how hard he pumped it just wouldn’t get up….now picture the waiter coming into the scene as I said, “he was pumping and pumping trying to get it up, and he couldn’t get it up!" The waiter giggled as he brought us our pizza and said: “I don’t know what you were talking about, but I love this part of your conversation!”  With the waiter, walking away laughing,  I suddenly realized what I was saying and how funny it was out of context.  Yep…it turned my face red. The story that young man will tell about us two old farts will carry on!  And I love it!

I’d love to hear your most embarrassing moment.  Let em out…we all need a good laugh!

PS:  The rest of the hot air balloon story is that by the time the hot air balloon captain got the balloon back up in the air it was full of water that now was flowing down on the poor lone fisherman in the boat.  The fisherman was not happy.  But it gave us good laugh to watch the whole thing from a distance.

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